Saturday, July 9, 2011

Bennett and Trip hanging out

First Class on the A380

It didn't suck.

Quick Paris Getaway

Isabelle making the most of it....

Bennett and Isabelle Going to a Dance

Marin Car Show

Juliet is sporting the latest in driver safety

Juliet's First Dipsea Steps Solo

This is a fairly common photo in our family Album: Bennett happy as a clam and Juliet crying about something known only to her.  Shortly after this pic, Juliet achieved her first Dipsea Steps solo, 672 steps all by herself.

Trip Starting to Show his Personality

He begs me to dress him in his Angus onesie every day...

San Rafael Car Show

A Rainy Day at Home

Name that tush.  See what happens when it rains too much and you are stuck in the house with three kids and a ziplock bag full of tattoos?